Artificial intelligence (AI) is having a considerable impact on the influencer marketing and virtual influencers. Able to process large amounts of data, AI helps marketers optimize influencer marketing campaigns.

Areas where AI is and will be influencing influencer marketing include the identification of influencerscampaign optimization, fraud detection and content creation with virtual and CGI influencers.

Virtual influencers are fictional computer-generated "people" with realistic human characteristics and personalities. They are created by AI, taking inspiration from real people, cartoon characters and so on. Virtual influencers are highly scalable, available 24/7 and generate higher engagement rates than their human counterparts, making them a more effective marketing channel.

At ValueYourNetwork, our influencer marketing agencyArtificial Intelligence (AI) is at the heart of our influencer marketing campaigns, propelling our strategy to new heights of effectiveness and relevance. AI enables us to meticulously analyze influencer and audience data, ensuring that our campaigns are not only aligned with the right personalities, but also resonate authentically with target audiences.

Our use of AI goes beyond traditional approaches by optimizing matches between brands and influencers, analyzing content trends and predicting campaign performance. This enables us to create influential and meaningful collaborations that not only engage, but also convert.

By leveraging AI to decipher engagement metrics and audience preferences, ValueYourNetwork is able to design influencer marketing campaigns that are not only targeted, but also highly personalized and resonant. We are committed to using the power of AI to develop influencer marketing strategies that not only create impact, but also build lasting relationships between brands and audiences.

We reveal how AI is revolutionizing influencer marketing and the impact of using virtual influencers for your next campaigns.

Artificial intelligence (ia): for content creation on social networks

AI has established itself as an essential tool in the social networking sector, facilitating and optimizing content creation and management. Social platforms, which have become privileged spaces for communication and marketing, benefit greatly from the technological advances offered by AI. AI not only saves time, but also enhances the quality and relevance of the content offered to target audiences.

AI and Automated Content Generation

Text generators
AI-based text generators, such as GPT-3, enable companies to create textual content in an automated and consistent way. These tools can produce blog posts, product descriptions, and even social network messages that are not only grammatically correct, but also tailored to the brand tone and intent of the content.

Visual designers
Visual designers use AI to generate or modify images and videos, optimizing visuals for different platforms and target audiences. Tools like DALL-E or Runway ML can create unique images, while other AI tools can automatically adapt and optimize visuals for different formats on social networks.

Benefits of using AI in content creation

These developments offer an insight into how AI can be integrated into content creation and marketing strategies on social networks, with a focus on efficiency, personalization and continuous improvement.

AI enables faster, more efficient content production, freeing marketing teams to focus on strategic, creative tasks. Automatic generation of text and visuals reduces the time spent on content creation, while maintaining consistency in brand communication.

Personalized content
AI can analyze user data to create personalized content that resonates with different audience segments. By understanding user preferences, behaviors and interactions, AI can help create content that is more relevant and engaging for each audience segment.

Publication automation and social network management
The tools ofAI can automate the planning and publishing content on various social media platforms, ensuring a constant and consistent presence. What's more, AI can also help manage user interactions, automating responses to messages and comments, and providing after-hours customer support.

Data analysis and continuous improvement through AI
AI plays a crucial role in analyzing data from campaigns on social networks, providing insights into what works and what doesn't. Companies can use this data to refine their strategies, continually improving their content and approaches to better engage their audience and achieve their marketing objectives.

Top 6 AI marketing tools in 2023

Ocoya : A Virtual Assistant for Optimized Content Management

Ocoya is a powerful ally for content creators and social network managers. The platform facilitates the creation and scheduling of content across various social platforms, enabling brands to maintain a consistent and coherent online presence. Ocoya also offers tools for analyzing content performance, ensuring that brand messages effectively reach their target audience.

Predis : Intelligent Custom Content Generator

Predis goes beyond simple content creation by generating posts based on a succinct description of your company. Not only does the platform offer ideas for customized posts, titles and hashtags, it also suggests designs that harmonize with your company's visual identity, ensuring consistency in your brand communication.

Vidyo Video Synthesis for Engaging Content

Vidyo specializes in video condensation, transforming longer content into short, punchy vignettes, ideal for social networks where audience attention is often fleeting. This allows key messages to be conveyed in a concise and engaging way, maximizing engagement and reach.

Whisper Transforming Audio into Text for Increased Accessibility

Whisper stands out for its ability to create text from audio content, making it easy to subtitle your videos. This not only improves the accessibility of your content for the hearing impaired, but also increases understanding and retention of the message among your audience.

Cleanvoice : Unparalleled Audio Clarity for Your Productions

Cleanvoice offers a solution to improve the audio quality of your videos and podcasts by eliminating unwanted sounds and speech problems such as stuttering. This ensures a pleasant listening experience for your audience and enhances the quality of your content.

Podcastle : A Virtual Recording Studio for Your Podcasts

Podcastle guarantees studio sound quality for your podcasts, even when recorded from a standard computer. This enables creators to produce high-quality audio content without the need for expensive recording equipment.

Virtual influencers for an innovative communication strategy

In the teeming, dynamic world of digital marketing, virtual influencers are emerging as an original and powerful new string to a brand's bow. They embody not only technological prowess, but also an innovative communications strategy that fuses creativity and interaction in a constantly evolving digital space. By partnering with these virtual entities, brands are not simply adopting a contemporary marketing approach; they are embracing a form of expression that resonates boldly with an audience hungry for fresh, interactive and, paradoxically, authentic content. Virtual influencers, with their ability to transcend the traditional boundaries of online engagement, open up an uncharted field of possibilities, where brand authenticity skilfully blends with digital innovation.

What are virtual influencers and how are they created?

Virtual influencers are fictional computer-generated characters with realistic human characteristics and personalities. They are also known as CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) or digital influencers. Virtual influencers are created by AI and are able to communicate with users on social networks, promote products and provide feedback on brands. They are designed to appear as real as possible and possess distinctive attributes, characteristics, idiosyncrasies and personality traits. Virtual influencers are becoming increasingly popular in the influencer marketing industry. They are scalable, available 24/7 and capable of reaching large audiences in realistic virtual environments. Brands are increasingly turning to these virtual influencers to take advantage of the technology and possibilities offered by AI. Virtual influencers have higher engagement rates than their human counterparts, making them more effective for marketing. Virtual influencers are created by AI using 3D modeling, motion capture and image processing techniques.

How do virtual influencers work?

Virtual influencers are fictional computer-generated characters with realistic human characteristics and personalities. They are created using artificial intelligence (AI) and are intended to appear as real as possible. Brands can personalize every aspect of their virtual influencers' public personas, including their messages, beliefs and appearance. Virtual influencers are used to promote products and services on social networks, just like human influencers. They have succeeded in building strong communities that trust them and are willing to spend money to acquire a recommended product. Virtual influencers are also more affordable and easier to control than human influencers.

However, the use of virtual influencers raises ethical questions, as all recommendations from these CGI characters are in fact advertising. Brands need to be transparent about the use of virtual influencers and inform consumers that they are interacting with a fictional character. Virtual influencers are increasingly in demand by brands and advertisers, and some brands are even considering creating their own virtual influencers. Such is their success with advertisers that several brands are now considering creating their own virtual influencers.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of virtual influencers?

Virtual influencers have their advantages and disadvantages. One of the most important advantages is that brands have total control over the image and message that the virtual influencer conveys via his or her campaign, thus avoiding scandals and PR problems. Virtual influencers are also available 24/7, scalable and capable of reaching large audiences in realistic virtual environments. They can also speak any language and adapt their influencing style to the socio-cultural context. Virtual influencers are also less expensive than human influencers and can be fully customized to meet brand needs.

However, virtual influencers also have their drawbacks. First of all, they lack the authenticity and credibility that human influencers can offer. Followers may also be skeptical of the virtual influencer's authenticity, knowing that he or she is a digital creation. In addition, virtual influencers may lack the ability to create authentic relationships with their audience, which can limit their effectiveness as influencers. Finally, the use of virtual influencers raises ethical issues, as all recommendations from these CGI characters are in fact advertising.

Top 10 Virtual Influencers

  1. Lil Miquela
    Lil Miquela, created by the Brud collective in 2016, is a virtual influencer who has made a name for herself on Instagram with over 3 million followers. Involved in various social movements such as Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ+ rights, she collaborates with major brands such as Calvin Klein, Samsung and Prada, and blurs the lines between reality and virtuality by posing with real-life personalities.

  2. Shudu Gram
    Shudu Gram, created by artist and photographer Cameron-James Wilson in 2017, is recognized as the first virtual model. With a deep complexion and penetrating eyes, she was designed as a work of art and has collaborated with renowned brands, including becoming the face of Rihanna's Fenty Beauty. She has 235k followers on Instagram.

  3. FN Meka
    FN Meka, the cyberpunk robot rapper, has made a name for himself in the virtual music universe with several singles and has even created his own NFTs. With a community of 180k followers on Instagram and millions on TikTokHe is a rising figure in the virtual influencer space.

  4. Imma
    Imma, created by agency Aww Tokyo, is a Japanese virtual model who has collaborated with prestige brands such as Dior, Nike and Ikea. With 406k followers on Instagram, she offers a user experience that flirts with reality thanks to her unsettling emotional expressions.

  5. Noonoouri
    Noonoouri, created in 2018, is a virtual influencer who stands out with her manga doll appearance and big eyes. With 407k followers on Instagram, she is not only a fashion influencer collaborating with brands such as Gucci and Dior, but also an activist for a healthy vegan lifestyle.

  6. Guggimon
    Guggimon, a horrific rabbit-like character, is a creation of Superplastic and is particularly well-known in the world of the video game Fortnite. He's often depicted with his sidekick Janky, and both are popular figures in the virtual influencer space.

  7. Ion Göttlich
    Ion Göttlich, created by Claudio Pavan of Lung Animation, is a virtual athlete, specifically a cyclist, who has become the face of the PRO Bike Gear brand. Known for his exaggerated features and imposing musculature, he is a popular figure in the world of virtual cycling.

  8. Rozy Oh
    Rozy, created by Sidus Studio X, is billed as South Korea's first virtual influencer. She offers a highly realistic user experience, captivating the attention of her subscribers and creating a fascination around her character.

  9. CB (Casas Bahia)
    CB, formerly known as Bahianinho and mascot of Casas Bahia, has been transformed into a teenager with a passion for pop culture and video games. With an environmental awareness and over 3 million followers on Instagram, he has become an influential figure in the Brazilian virtual space.

  10. Any Malu
    Any Malu, the Brazilian virtual influencer, lights up the digital world with her pink hair and girly universe. With over 3.3 million fans on YouTube and a notable presence on Cartoon Network, she shares her daily life, friendships and teenage adventures with lightness and humor. Although her existence is rooted in the virtual, her team manages to create an authentic and engaging bond with a loyal community of fans, making Any Malu a real sensation on social networks and beyond.


Each of these virtual influencers has created a unique space in the digital world, collaborating with brands, engaging audiences and blurring the boundaries between the virtual and the real.


In conclusion, AI has a significant impact on the influencer marketing and virtual influencers. Marketers can use AI to identify influencers, optimize campaigns, detect fraud and create content with virtual and CGI influencers. Virtual influencers are highly scalable, available 24/7 and have higher engagement rates than their human counterparts, making them a more effective marketing channel. Companies are well advised to turn to these virtual influencers, who are able to reach a very large and diverse audience within increasingly realistic and persistent virtual environments in which new generations are more and more inclined to interact.

However, it is crucial for brands to be transparent about the use of virtual influencers, and to inform consumers that they are interacting with a fictional character. In addition, it's essential to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of virtual versus human influencers to determine which strategy is most effective in achieving a company's specific marketing objectives.

As AI technology continues to advance, it's likely that virtual influencers will become increasingly sophisticated and realistic, offering even more compelling marketing opportunities. It's important for marketers and businesses to keep abreast of trends and developments in the field of virtual influencers and AI in order to take full advantage of these technological advances to optimize their influencer marketing campaigns.

Ultimately, AI and virtual influencers have the potential to transform the influencer marketing for your communication and create unique opportunities for brands to reach and engage their target audiences. Companies that adapt quickly and take advantage of these technological innovations will be well placed to succeed in the ever-changing digital landscape.

FAQs on AI and Digital Marketing

What contribution will AI make to digital marketing?

AI will bring optimization of customer personalization, automation of marketing processes, predictive analysis of market trends and consumer behaviors, and improved user experience through chatbots and virtual assistants.

How is artificial intelligence transforming digital marketing?

AI is transforming digital marketing by enabling more precise audience segmentation and targeting, automating advertising campaigns, analyzing consumer data to predict trends, and creating personalized customer experiences through product recommendations and tailored content.

How important are influencers in digital marketing?

Influencers play a crucial role in digital marketing by acting as opinion relays who can amplify the reach of brand messages, creating authentic content that resonates with their audience, and building trusted relationships with their followers, which can increase the credibility and visibility of promoted products or services.

How can artificial intelligence be used in marketing?

AI can be used in marketing to analyze customer data and predict buying behavior, personalize customer experiences, automate digital marketing campaigns, optimize advertising budgets by targeting the right audiences, and create personalized content at scale.

What are the challenges of AI?

AI issues include ethical and responsible data management, automated decision-making, creating inclusive and accessible technology, minimizing algorithmic biases, and establishing regulations and standards that frame the use of AI in different sectors.

What are the main advantages of AI?

Key benefits of AI include the automation of repetitive tasks, the rapid and accurate analysis of large-scale data, the ability to identify trends and patterns in data, the personalization of customer experiences, and improved decision-making through data-driven insights.

How can AI improve ROI in digital marketing?

AI can improve return on investment (ROI) in digital marketing by optimizing ad spend, targeting audiences most likely to convert, and providing real-time analytics that enable rapid adjustments to marketing strategy.

What are the challenges of integrating AI into digital marketing?

The challenges of integrating AI into digital marketing include the need for large amounts of quality data to feed the algorithms, the complexity of implementation and integration into existing systems, as well as ethical issues relating to data privacy.

How can AI help in content marketing?

AI can help in the content marketing by analyzing user preferences and behavior to create more relevant, personalized content. It can also automate content distribution across different channels, optimizing reach and engagement.

What role does AI play in customer data analysis?

AI plays a crucial role in customer data analysis, using machine learning algorithms to segment audiences, predict consumer behavior, and identify cross-selling and up-selling opportunities, enabling companies to make more informed decisions.


You are a influencer and would like to collaborate with a brand on an influencer marketing campaign?
Contact us via our ValueYourNetwork instagram account so that we can offer you exclusive influencer marketing campaigns with our partner brands!

You are an advertiser and would like to launch influencer marketing with our tools intelligence and our influencersplease contact us at the following address: or fill in the contact form to launch your next influencer marketing campaign.