Discover the challenges and limits of influencer marketing, learn more about the risks of improper use and how to adopt an effective strategy in this detailed guide.

We'll delve into the mysteries of the fast-growing influencer marketing industry, with a particular focus on areas that still pose challenges. You'll discover the inherent limitations of this form of marketing and how to overcome them to achieve profitable results. By uncovering the lesser-known aspects of influencer marketing, you'll be better equipped to navigate this complex digital landscape.
However, it's not just a question of identifying these limits, but also of understanding how they can be used to your advantage. So, get ready to explore the fascinating world of influencer marketing, its limits and its potential as we enter this new decade.

What is influencer marketing?


Influencer marketing is an advertising and promotional strategy that involves collaborating with individuals, called influencerswho are highly visible on social networks. The aim is to use their influence to reach a wider audience and promote a brand or product.


The objectives of influencer marketing may vary from company to company and product to product, but they generally involve increasing brand awareness, improving brand image, reaching a new target audience, increasing traffic to the company's website, boosting sales and thus increasing turnover.

Methods used

Influencer marketing can take many forms, such as sponsored posts on social networks, product presentation videos, online contests or collaborations specific. In all cases, the influencer promotes a product or brand to his or her audience.

Benefits of influencer marketing

Increased visibility

One of the main advantages of influencer marketing is the significant increase in brand visibility. In fact, by using the influencer's audience, a company can reach a considerable number of people in record time.

Building trust

Because of their proximity and perceived authenticity, influencers are able to create a relationship of trust with their audience. Thus, by collaborating with influencers, brands can benefit from this trust and improve their public image.

Effective targeting

If influencers are properly identified, influencer marketing can effectively target a specific audience. In fact, each influencer has a well-defined community that shares common interests, so a brand can reach a very specific audience segment through their collaboration.

The limits of influencer marketing

Authenticity and credibility

One of the biggest challenges in influencer marketing is maintaining authenticity and credibility. Indeed, if followers perceive a collaboration as being motivated solely by money, it can damage both the brand's image and that of the influencer.

Dependence on influencers

The brand is highly dependent on the influencer, whose popularity can vary. What's more, if a collaboration is interrupted, it can have a negative impact on the brand. It's also difficult for the brand to control the influence of the influencer. content published by the influencer.

Difficulty in measuring real impact

It can be difficult to measure the real impact of influencer marketing, as engagement can be superficial (e.g. likes or shares) and sales can be difficult to attribute directly to an influencer campaign.

High cost

Influencer marketing can be very expensive, with the most popular influencers charging high fees. What's more, it requires a significant investment of time and resources to research and manage collaborations.

Risks of controversy

Finally, influencer marketing can carry the risk of controversy. If an influencer has a bad reputation, or if a collaboration is perceived as not aligned with the brand's values, this can provoke negative reactions from the public.

Authenticity and credibility

Influencers not aligned with the brand

There can be a mismatch between the influencer's image and that of the brand, resulting in a lack of authenticity and perceived credibility with the public.

Sponsored publications not perceived as authentic

Sponsored publications can be perceived as less authentic than the influencer's other content, creating a sense of mistrust among the audience.

Lack of transparency

A lack of transparency regarding the promotional nature of publications can also undermine the perceived authenticity and credibility of the influencer and the brand.

Dependence on influencers

Fluctuating popularity

Influencer popularity can fluctuate, impacting the number of people reached by promotional publications.

Risk of partnership breakdown

There is a risk if the collaboration between the brand and the influencer breaks down. This can lead to a feeling of betrayal among the public and damage the brand's image.

Difficulty controlling content

It can be difficult for the brand to control the content the influencer publishes, which can lead to incorrect or undesirable representation of the brand or product.

Difficulty in measuring real impact

Superficial commitment

There may be a form of superficial engagement with the brand or product being promoted. For example, likes and shares are not necessarily synonymous with genuine interest in the product or intention to buy.

Short-term value

All influencer marketing campaigns may have short-term value, as the effect tends to diminish as soon as the promotional publication disappears from the influencer's news feed.

Sales allocation

It's often difficult to attribute sales directly to an influencer marketing campaign. This makes it difficult to calculate the return on investment of these campaigns.

High cost

Influencer rates

The rates for influencers, especially those with high visibility, can be very high, which can make the total cost of an influencer marketing campaign prohibitive for some companies.

Investment of time and resources

Finding the right influencers, negotiating contracts, managing collaborations and monitoring performance are time- and resource-intensive tasks, increasing the total cost of influencer marketing.

Uncertain return on investment

Because of the difficulties of measuring the impact of an influencer marketing campaign and attributing sales, return on investment can be uncertain.

Risks of controversy

Influencer's bad reputation

If an influencer has a bad reputation, this can damage the brand's image and provoke a negative reaction from the public.

Collaborations not aligned with brand values

If collaborations with influencers are not aligned with brand values, this can also cause controversy and damage the brand's image.

Negative reactions from the public

Influencer marketing campaigns can sometimes provoke negative reactions from the public, particularly if they are perceived as too commercial, lacking in transparency or not aligned with the values of the brand or influencer.

Influence marketing regulations

Transparency and declaration of partnerships

There are regulations requiring brands and influencers to declare their partnerships transparently, to avoid misleading the public.

Responsibility of brands and influencers

The responsibility of brands and influencers is also governed by certain regulations, notably with regard to compliance with advertising and consumer protection laws.

Penalties for non-compliance

In the event of non-compliance with the rules in force, penalties may be applied, ranging from fines to advertising bans.

Best practices for effective influencer marketing

Careful selection of influencers

For an effective influencer marketing campaign, it's crucial to rigorously select influencers based on their relevance to the brand, their popularity, their credibility and their audience.

Collaborations aligned with brand values

It's also important to ensure that collaborations with influencers are aligned with the brand's values, in order to maintain the campaign's authenticity and credibility.

Transparent partnerships

Transparency in influencer partnerships is essential to comply with regulations and maintain public trust.

Monitoring and analyzing results

Finally, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign and improve future initiatives, it is necessary to rigorously monitor and analyze the results obtained through influencer marketing.

You are a influencer and would like to collaborate with a brand on an influencer marketing campaign?
Contact us via our ValueYourNetwork instagram account so that we can offer you influencer marketing campaigns with our partner brands!

If you are an advertiser and would like to launch a campaign with our influencersplease contact us at the following address: or fill in the contact form to launch your next influencer marketing campaign.

Published by Julia on 01/25/2024 in Influencer campaign - influencers - B2B