Please introduce yourself in a few lines so that our community can get to know you better. know better? How would you define your style/universe?

Hello, my name is Bérangère and I live in Bordeaux with my husband and two children. Fan dresses, I first opened a fashion blog 7 years ago, then it evolved with my two pregnancies and my life as a mom to become a blog shopping and lifestyle for parents... and their children. You'll find various sections: fashion, of course, but also food, toys, outings, beauty, vacations, services... in short, everything that might interest the family consumption.


When was your blog created?

The blog was created on June 16, 2010. In fact, to celebrate its 7th birthday, I'm organizing a series of contests to spoil my readers and thank them for following me for so long. years.


What triggered you and why did you embark on this adventure? bloggers and the world of social networking?

When I created the blog, my aim was to show that it was possible to buy beautiful designer dresses, without breaking the bank, by browsing clothing sales and websites such as le bon coin and even ebay, etc... My community first developed on Hellocoton then on facebook and instagram which are now the two networks I use most.


How much time do you spend on your articles or videos? youtubeProduction, editing...? Do you have any organizational tips for others? bloggers and others youtubers ?

I only spend about an hour a day writing blog posts, but I don't hard-to-quantify amount of time I spend every day answering phone calls and comments on the blog and my social networks, to read and reply to the blog's e-mails, to relaying my articles on social networks, etc... I think the whole thing should take me 2 to 4 hours. 3 hours a day, but I'm not sure.


Which community are you targeting?

My community is essentially made up of French women between the ages of 25 and 50. who, like me, are mothers. I also have male and female readers. in other French-speaking countries: Switzerland, Belgium, Canada, etc...


Where do you find most of your inspiration? And which social networks do you use most?


It's rare for me to write a "mood" article, but it can happen. Also, 99 % of blog posts are from partnerships so I don't really need to think about writing topics. Since this is a shopping blog, I test a lot of products that I then present on the blog and its social networks. The ones I use the most are facebook and instagram.


How do you manage your time, between your family, your work, your studies? social networks and your blog? Do you have a job or another activity that work as a blogger?

I work as a freelancer from home. A third of my income comes from the blog, a third from my website. another third in community management and managing relations with bloggers for my customers. Finally, the third third comes from my work as a translator. I'm a trilingual in French, English and Spanish. It's very practical because I only work when my children are at school and rarely in the evening when they've gone to bed if I'm in but it happens very rarely. What I wanted when I became a freelancer was to make the most of my time. of my family and that's the case, so I'm delighted.


Did one collaboration/partnership stand out for you more than others? And if so, which one?

I have long-standing partners with whom I work on a regular basis, and others with whom I collaborate. which I work on a one-off basis. I've experienced so many wonderful things with the blog that I couldn't possibly name a particular partnership. In any case, what I generally prefer are invitations to try out a weekend or a stay, which allow me to take a family getaway or meet other bloggers.


What would you like to do next in your professional life?

I'm planning to open another blog, write a practical guide and other projects that I just don't have the time to carry out. Otherwise, I just want my current life to continue as it is, because I'm thriving in blogging and in my freelance life.


Do you produce your own visuals and photos? And if so, what equipment do you use?

To be honest, I'm not a professional photographer. I do, however, take my own photos for instagram and sometimes for the blog with my smartphone. Depending on the type of article, I use photos sent by the brand to illustrate them, and sometimes I also use professional photographers who shoot the blog's fashion shoots in exchange of a quote on my blog and social networks every time I use their services. photos.


What advice would you give to others influencers of the community? And what is what do you think is your main secret to success?

For me, in blogging, there's room for everyone. I'm someone who I'm happy to give tips to others whenever possible and whenever I have the time. The sharing and openness to others is important. I think my success comes from the fact that that I'm conscientious, that I keep my commitments, that I express myself well in writing and that I respect my readers. In fact, I try to spoil them as much as possible, because a blog is nothing without them.


What does being a blogger mean to you on a daily basis?

Blogging has given me so much. It kept me busy when I was bedridden all my life. first pregnancy, meeting lots of people and making new friends among the other bloggers and even among my readers. It allows me to spoil my family, and this was particularly useful during my parental leave, when I wouldn't have been able to afford many of the things I got thanks to the blog. Finally, it allows me to generate income by staying at home and being more available for my husband and children.


Thanks to Dress me and my kids for this interview. We'll leave you the links to its various pages for the more inspired among you! 




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