Discover how 21 Buttons has become the must-have app for influencers fashion and beauty, revolutionizing online shopping.

In fashion and beauty, one app is emerging as the preferred platform for influencers: 21 Buttons. This app has captured the attention of fashion enthusiasts and industry professionals alike with its innovative features. By enabling you to discover the latest trends and buy clothes or accessories directly via publications, 21 Buttons is revolutionizing the way fashion and beauty are consumed online.

What is 21 Buttons?

Application overview

21 Buttons is an application that combines the functionalities of a social network with those of an online shopping platform, specifically targeting fashion, beauty and influencer enthusiasts. Using 21 Buttons, you can share photos of your outfits, tag the items you're wearing, and enable your followers to purchase these items directly via affiliate links. It's an innovative application that integrates the social dimension into the online shopping experience.

Origin and evolution of 21 Buttons

The 21 Buttons app was launched with the mission of revolutionizing the world of fashion and e-commerce by creating a platform where fashion inspiration and purchasing are closely linked. Since its launch, it has grown steadily, attracting not only fashionistas but also a growing number of influencers who see it as an effective way to monetize their content while offering their subscribers easy access to the products they recommend.

How 21 Buttons works

On 21 Buttons, you start by creating a profile, just as you would on any other social network. The difference is that, when you post a photo, you can associate tags that lead directly to the purchase pages of the products featured. In this way, your followers can purchase the items they're interested in with just a few clicks. Behind this process, a commission system remunerates users for purchases made via their publications.

Why do influencers love 21 Buttons?

Easy monetization of their content

21 Buttons offers a platform where fashion and beauty influencers can easily monetize their content. By tagging their outfits with direct purchase links, they earn a commission on sales generated, providing an attractive and relatively passive revenue stream.

Improved interaction with the community

This application enables influencers to engage their community in innovative ways. In addition to sharing their looks or beauty tips, they provide a concrete service by facilitating access to the purchase of recommended products. This interaction strengthens the bond between influencers and their subscribers.

Increased visibility thanks to the 21 Buttons network

By joining 21 Buttons, influencers benefit from an already well-established network of fashion and beauty enthusiasts. This gives them additional visibility and the chance to reach potential new subscribers who browse the app in search of inspiration.

How do I subscribe to 21 Buttons?

Account creation process

To register with 21 Buttons, simply download the application and create an account using your email address or by logging in via an existing social account. The process is quick and intuitive, allowing you to set up your profile by adding a photo, a description, and selecting your interests.

Tips for optimizing your profile

To optimize your profile, choose a clear, professional profile photo that represents you well. Be precise in your bio, mentioning your niche (fashion, beauty, lifestyle, etc.) and what your subscribers can expect from your publications. Use relevant keywords to improve your visibility on the platform.

The importance of photo quality

The quality of the photos you publish on 21 Buttons is crucial. Clear, well-composed and aesthetically pleasing images attract more attention and encourage engagement. Invest in good shooting equipment or learn how to maximize the potential of your smartphone to create professional-quality content.

Monetization on 21 Buttons

How do influencers make money?

Influencers earn money on 21 Buttons through commissions on sales. When a follower buys a product via a shared link, the influencer receives a percentage of the sale. The more followers you have who are engaged and likely to buy the products you recommend, the more revenue you can generate.

The commission system explained

21 Buttons' commission system is transparent and easy to understand. For every sale made thanks to the tags on your publications, you earn a commission that varies according to the brand and specific agreements. Details of these commissions are available in your account settings, allowing you to track your earnings in real time.

Influencer success stories on the platform

Many influencers have found 21 Buttons to be a substantial source of income, complementing their other activities on social networks. Some have even built their reputation primarily through this platform, by creating quality content, regularly engaging their community, and taking advantage of the app's unique features to maximize their earnings.

Building your community on 21 Buttons

Strategies for increasing your subscriber base

To increase your number of subscribers on 21 Buttons, publish high-quality content regularly and engage with your community by replying to comments and visiting your subscribers' profiles. Also use hashtags and collaborate with other influencers to reach new audiences.

Interact effectively with your community

Be authentic in your interactions and take the time to create a real bond with your subscribers. Share moments from your daily life in stories, offer Q&A sessions, and ask for feedback and opinions on your recommended looks or products. This proximity builds trust and loyalty with your audience.

The importance of regular publications

Publishing regularly is crucial to maintaining and growing your audience on 21 Buttons. Set yourself a publishing schedule and be consistent in your activity on the platform. This regularity helps you stay present in your subscribers' minds and encourages engagement.

Collaborations and partnerships via 21 Buttons

How do you attract brand partners?

To attract brand partners to 21 Buttons, present a polished, professional profile with quality content and an engaged audience. Brands are looking for influencers whose aesthetics and values match their image. Don't hesitate to take the initiative in contacting them with ideas for collaboration.


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