Could you please present in a few lines so that our community know you better?

My name is ChloéI am 22 years old. I have studied visit jobs for 5 years.
Since June 2019 j'ai launched my brand from ready-to-wear female that I imagine and make myself.

How to would you define your style/universe as ainfluencer fashion and beauty?

Passionate fashion, I share my looks that I've define as classic/chic but I really like to change my style depending on what I feel like doing, I can go from a chic look to a more sophisticated one. à a little rock look!

Date of creation your business on networks as ainfluencer fashion and beauty? 

I registered on this networks 5 years ago years I would say.

What a summer your trigger and why you are you launched in the networks with instagram ?

One of my dreams was d'be model or model photo, after have do casting without criteria physical I contacted many modeling agencies through which I've worked. summer refused à because of my 1m58. So I left this idea and I fell back on Instagram.

How much time do you spend on your articles or your videos ? Realizationassembly...? 

Oula! I can spend hours on it, I'm very perfectionist, I don't like to post a photo or an video if I'm not satisfied! I don't like standing still, it me please to work on my content !

Do you have any organizational tips for others? influencers ?

I don't really have any advice, à part like doing this kind of thing! Doing what we pleasebe motivated!

What community and target audience? 

My community is between 18 and 35 years old.

Where to find-Is your main source of inspiration? And what are the networks that you use the most?

I mainly use Instagram and 21 Buttons on which I can share all the links to my looks in match with those on Instagram. I'm inspired by the looks of parades haute couture!

How to do you succeed à manage your time, between family, work and social networks ?

It takes a certain amount of organization; during the week, I really do work all the time. And the weekend I just take photos, answer à a few emails while trying to enjoy my lover as much as possible!

Do you have a business or another activity that yourinfluencer fashion and beauty? 

I'm working on my brand that I've recently launched!

Your visuals and photos are made by yourself ? And if so, which equipment do you use? 

My boyfriend takes pictures of me most of the time with theIphone 11 proafter it I retouch photos and manages everything else!

What advice would you give to others influencers of the community ?

Don't get lost in collaborations that make no sense to what you're transmitting, just for gifts or for money!
Stay yourselvesbe natural and present with your subscribers!

What would you like to do evolve later on in yourinfluencer fashion and beauty?

I'd like to share more videos looks and makeup. Do evolve my brand and offer more articles!

Thanks to Chloé for this interview. We advise you to follow her instagram account

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